Oh no! My JSON!

Written by Tony Mottaz

Chris Coyier recently wrote about the hanging-punctuation CSS property. He concludes his post saying,

I think hanging-punctuation is nice! Just a nice bonus where supported and not a huge deal if it’s not. I’d probably start a new project with:

html {
  hanging-punctuation: first allow-end last;

I’m recommending a little more caution here, otherwise you may find yourself in a similar situation to me…

Oh no! my JSON!

I’m a programmer who occasionally blogs. As such, I tend to include code snippets in my blog posts.

After yet another redesign of my website, I decided to be a Good Programmer and check how things looked in other browsers. When I opened up a post in Safari, I saw something like this:

A screenshot of a web page with a JSON code snippet. There is a border around the code snippet. The opening curly brace of the JSON data is further left than expected, overlapping with the border.

Well, hmm… that’s not what I wanted. The opening curly brace in my JSON snippet is offset. How did this happen?

Here’s a hint: it’s not called hanging-quotes

The CSS property is called hanging-punctuation, not hanging-quotes. Which other punctuation marks does this property apply to?

On the MDN page on hanging-punctuation, you will find that for the values first and last, the punctuation marks that will hang include all characters from the following Unicode tables:

Did you go look? The Ps and Pe categories includes some characters that are very common in code — parentheses, square brackets, and curly braces.

So this “bug” is just hanging-punctuation doing its thing! This took me a long time to figure out. I hope I can save someone else the time wasted looking at margin and padding and text-indent and user-agent stylesheets and thinking you actually have no idea how CSS layout algorithms work

That was a long night.

Add exceptions for code blocks

Given this, I recommend adding an exception for code blocks at a minimum. I would probably start a new project with:

html {
  hanging-punctuation: first allow-end last;

pre {
  hanging-punctuation: none;

Here is a CodePen you can play with: https://codepen.io/tonymottaz/pen/MWLxaOG